
Galery: the boiler-rooms with our boilers.

The SMOK Biomass Burnig  Automatic Feeder with the  bin of  0,6 m3 and the 25kW ceramic burner and  the Moderator 25 kW boiler.
   Przerov, Czech Republic
The SMOK Biomass Burnig  Automatic Feeder with the bin of  1 m3 and the 120 kW cast iron burner and  the120 kW boiler.
Two  SMOK Biomass Burnig  Automatic Feeders, 2 bins of  1 m3 each, 25kW ceramic burners and  50 kW boilers.
   Nowy Skoszyn
The SMOK Biomass Burnig  Automatic Feeder with the bin of  0,6 m3 and 100 kW ceramic burner and  the 100 kW boiler.